Article Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
The March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election is just days away. Eighteen Vote Centers are already open. An additional 70 Vote Centers will be open beginning March 2. These 88 Vote Centers will be available for voters who would like to vote in person or need to register to vote and cast a conditional ballot. Vote Centers also offer language assistance and the use of accessible touchscreen ballot marking devices.
Our ballot drop box location is at the Rio Linda Library, 6724 6th Street in Rio Linda. It is available thru March 5, Tuesday thru Saturday 10am to 6pm, and on Election Day 7am to 8pm.
If you are not voting in person, ballots must either be dropped off in an Official Ballot Drop Box by 8 p.m. on March 5 or postmarked no later than March 5 if returning by mail. If you are voting in person on Election Day, you must be in line to vote by 8 p.m.
Committed to a Safe and Secure Election
Electioneering, voter intimidation or any other disruptions at the Vote Centers will not be tolerated. Anyone who creates a disruption or breaks the Election code on electioneering at a Vote Center will immediately be requested to leave the property. Electioneering isn’t just talking to voters about candidates, propositions and measures. Electioneering also includes wearing clothing, hats or buttons depicting a specific candidate, proposition or measure. Voters who are wearing campaign material will be asked to remove it before allowing them to vote.
All ballots are transported to, processed and tabulated at our Registrar’s office. Our Ballot Tabulation Room is secured, under 24-hour surveillance and has very limited access in and out.
Wondering if your ballot made it to our office and has been processed? Sign up for “Where’s My Ballot” to get a notification when your Vote by Mail ballot has been received and accepted.
Read more about the steps to process your ballot and security measures around voter files, election equipment and more on our Election Security webpage .
Results – They Aren’t Final on March 5
While the first release of results happens after 8 p.m. on March 5, those results are not final. The first release of results will only be inclusive of Vote by Mail and Vote Center ballots that are returned and processed through Monday, March 4. The second report will include results from the Vote Centers on Election Day and will be issued by 10 p.m., with subsequent updates approximately every two hours, if needed, until all Vote Centers have reported. Subsequent reports will contain results from Vote by Mail ballots and provisional ballots received timely and will be posted every Tuesday and Friday until certification. California allows for 28 days after the Election to certify the vote.
Choose How, When and Where You Vote
- By Mail: All registered voters received a ballot in the mail. Place the voted ballot cards inside the envelope provided, sign the envelope and return – your postage is paid!
- At the Vote Center: you can drop off your completed ballot OR vote in person. There is even weekend voting!
- 18 Vote Centers are now open through Election Day
- An additional 70 Vote Centers will open for four days beginning March 2, 2024
- At a Ballot Drop Box: 61 Drop Boxes – Voted ballots may be placed in any of the 61 secure Drop Box locations throughout Sacramento County beginning Feb. 5, 2024. Don’t forget to sign your envelope!
Eligible residents can also register to vote, update their registration and cast their ballot at a Vote Center, even on Election Day.
A complete list of locations can be found online and in the Sacramento County Voter Information Guide that was mailed out in January.
For more election and voter information, visit the Sacramento County Voter Registration and Elections website.
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