Sacramento County Teens Support Gifts from the Heart

Sacramento County Teens Support Gifts from the Heart

Sacramento County is celebrating 35 years of Gifts from the Heart this year. A social worker founded the program in 1988. Since then, the tradition has grown to support thousands of people in Sacramento County. Each year, dozens of volunteers donate thousands of hours. Volunteers pick up, wrap, and deliver gifts from November into mid-December. Sponsors also support the cause by donating gifts, money, and food.

This year, a group of dedicated teens from Inderkum High School have joined the cause. John Norboe, Van Froling, Ty Miramontes, Kaylee King, Jackson Norton, Mason Worrall, and Lindsay Jones say they are excited to give back to their community. The group chose to get involved with Gifts from the Heart as part of their Senior Project – which requires them to volunteer for a cause they are passionate about. The teens have not only volunteered their time, but they have also fundraised over $1,500 for Gifts from the Heart. They organized different events to fundraise the money. The cash will help provide gifts for foster youth in Sacramento County. The teens say they are privileged to be able to give back.

“It’s a great cause. It’s really nice to help out your community. And, when you hear about these foster kids that aren’t really getting much for Christmas and whatnot, that makes you appreciate it. The least you can do is give back, and when we were given an opportunity like this for our senior project, I thought it was a great idea,” says Van.

The teens are just 17 and 18 years old, proving anyone can get involved with helping their community at any age. These high schoolers, along with other volunteers and sponsors highlight our community’s kindness and compassion. It is the people who donate their time and money who have helped Gifts from the Heart grow into a program that helps thousands of children, teens, disabled adults, and older adults in Sacramento County.

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