Applicants are now being sought for new jurors to serve on the Sacramento County Grand Jury. The application period opens today.
Nineteen Sacramento County residents and 11 alternates will be selected from among qualified applicants. The one-year term for volunteer jurors runs from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
The Grand Jury is appointed to provide oversight of county, city, school and special district agencies and operations within Sacramento County.
The Grand Jury is also authorized to hear criminal indictments and is tasked with visiting detention facilities throughout the region. Grand Jurors receive a small stipend for their work as volunteers.
To serve on the Grand Jury, you must be a Sacramento County resident over the age of 18. Applications must be received by Dec. 29, 2023 to be considered. The Grand Jury will be empaneled in June 2024.
For more information about the Sacramento County Grand Jury and how to apply, please visit https://sacgrandjury.org/apply.aspx .
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