Swastika dug into Cherry Island Golf Course

Swastika dug into Cherry Island Golf Course

Vandals dug a swastika and the words “F Jew” on and around the grass of the sixth hole at the Cherry Island Golf Course.

Overnight last Thursday, vandals dug a swastika and an antisemitic remark on and around the grass of the sixth hole at the Cherry Island Golf Course in Elverta. The act of vandalism was found the following morning by ground crews.

 “What sort of person takes time to dig a swastika and “F Jew” into the grass of a golf course in the middle of the night?” the group StopAntisemitism tweeted.

According to the county, there is no surveillance on that part of the golf course. However, law enforcement increased patrols around the golf course and the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office is trying to find those responsible.

“This vandalism that occurred today is despicable, and that it happened here is heartbreaking and a serious matter. Cherry Island Golf Course condemns hate speech, and this incident of discrimination has been turned over to the Sacramento Sheriff’s Office and is under investigation.”

Statement from Cherry Island

“It’s despicable. The county condemns hate speech in the strongest terms: antisemitism, racism, hate, hate speech. None of that has any place in Sacramento County.”

Sacramento County public information officer Ken Casparis

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